Biden's address Thursday night was criticized as resembling a campaign speech as he touched on numerous Democratic political issues and talking points that his campaign has highlighted in its re-election efforts.
Biden先表达了对乌克兰的支持,他说美国不会walk away,不会对乌克兰局势置之不理,他说I can assure you Putin will not stop at ukraine. 然后他话锋一转批评trump bowing down to a russian leader, 说 前总统说,quote: russia can do whatever the hell they want to do. It is not acceptable.
Trump的确那么说了,他的原话是:No, I would not protect you,” “In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills
My predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth of January 6th," he said. "I will not do that. This is a moment to speak the truth and bury the lies."
然后他说出了让议员们站立鼓掌的金句:you can’t love your country only when you win.
Whether young or old, I’ve always known what endures. Our North Star. The very idea of America, that we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives," Biden said. "We’ve never fully lived up to that idea, but we’ve never walked away from it either. And I won’t walk away from it now."
Fox News的分析家chief analyst brit hume, , marc thiessen , 还有trump,基本上采取了一样的批评 (我怀疑他们用了通稿:
1. angry old man
2. 还有说他史无前例的,在sotu address里批评他的政治对手。
Marc Thiessen, a Fox News contributor and former speechwriter in President George W. Bush's administration, said during the address. "As someone who helped write several SOTUs and who reveres this important presidential institution, I’m stunned by this address. It’s an utter disgrace."