Warning: This post might be too deep for Americans who think that terrorist Hamas is “resistance.”
Sunni and Shia might seem unified against #Israel, but if you look closer, you can see the fault lines. The Shia hate Saddam and his descendants, ISIS. The Shia also curse the Umayyads, who built the Dome of the Rock, and Caliph Omar, who built the other mosque in the Al-Aqsa compound. In fact, it’s impossible to find a Shia kid named Omar. The Sunnis, on the other hand, love Saddam, regardless of his chemical massacres against Iranians and Kurds and his occupation of fellow Sunni Kuwait (because Kuwait was allied America, so deserved Saddam’s disciplining). The Sunnis also like Shia Hezbollah’s chief Nasrallah for killing Israelis, but wish he were Sunni. But finally with Hamas and its massare of 1,200 Israelis on October 7, the Sunnis got a revived Saddam: Hamas’s Abu Ubeida, a fellow Sunni who wags his finger at Israel, just like Nasrallah does. The Sunnis of Lebanon hate Shia Nasrallah (especially for killing their leader Hariri) but seek a Sunni equivalent of Nasrallah who’d kill Israelis. They got Hamas and Abu Ubeida. The pic is of a poster in Labban Street in Beirut, #Lebanon, showing a picture of “free Palestine from the River to the Sea,” between Saddam on the left and Hamas’s Abu Ubeida on the right. Maybe they should have added Rashida Tlaib and US colleges to the “wipe Israel off the map” poster. The poster clearly shows the Sunni anti-Israel vibe and explains why leaders like King Abdullah of Jordan prefer to act populist rather than lead by going against the pro-Hamas sentiment in Sunni Jordan.